
Is it Arduino too hard for a beginner to start?

What is Arduino
Arduino is a convenient and flexible open-source electronic prototyping platform that includes hardware (various models of Arduino board) and software (Arduino IDE). With Arduino's growing popularity, more and more people are beginning to get in touch with Arduino. Arduino has thus turned from a professional tool to a lot of people's research interests.

Arduino Ethernet

Since Arduino designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world using a variety of microprocessors and controllers, so its not that simple for completely physics layman.

However, is it impossible for us to start learning Arduino from zero?
If you are really interested in Arduino open source hardware and are willing to spend time and effort to do research, then even if you are not professional in this area, you can also make the best use of your own creativity to create your own Arduino board.

What are the basic preparations for Arduino entry?
1, to understand the basic grammar of the C language
2, pay more attention to other experienced peoples Arduino code examples
3, to find and collect some basic LIB
4, to understand the analog port, data port access, serial, SPI, I2C and other communications

1, commonly used sensors, such as the human body infrared pyrolysis, temperature and humidity sensors, vibration sensors, Hall sensors, relays, door sensors, ultrasonic ranging, infrared rangefinder sensors, smoke sensors, color sensors
2, commonly used devices such as LED, analog-to-digital converters, capacitors, resistors, photoresistors, reed switches, comparators, GSM modules, memory chips (AT24C256, etc.)
3, steering gear, stepper motor, servo motor control, and operation
4, modules such as voice module, USB module, wireless module (GSM, 315M, 433M, infrared, Bluetooth, etc.), WIIMOTE handle, time module (such as DS1302), LCD display (such as nokia_3310, LCD1602, etc.)

Recommended modules
1. Ethernet: for Arduino Ethernet modules, such as the Geekcreit® Ethernet Shield Module W5100, ENC28J60 is the most used.
2. Development Board: The ATmega2560 MEGA2560 Development Board is also very basic and essential.
3. Bluetooth modules: HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver Module(HC 06 Bluetooth Module)
4. DIY tool: the DIY Smart Robot car Platform Kit For Arduino

